My poor little Mon-Kee-Kee is sick! Poor little guy has a cold/virus. Ended up at 102.5 degree fever. Saw Dr. Atteberry today and got childrens tylenol.
I have it when Owen is sick. It makes you feel so helpless that you can't do anything for them. Can not give them medicine, for a baby as young as Owen, can't give him a's hard with him being the age he is because there is not much you can do to make him feel better. That is besides hold him, which that is pretty much what he has wanted all day today. Mommy to hold him. I love it. Makes me feel like I am a good Mommy to him and that he loves me and I can give him the comfort he needs. :o)
Hope this virus goes away quick. Poor guy. I hate seeing his rosey cheeks, slimmy nose from his cold, hearing his bad cough and feeling a burning up baby! Not fun!
Mama's here for you baby Owen. You are my baby boy and I love you.
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