Thursday, January 24, 2013

Owen is 8 months!

I was so happy to have a couple days off with my little snuggle muffin!  We had so much fun!  I wish I was a stay at home Mom, for sure.  We really had so much fun.  He is a blast to hang out with and play with!  Owen is getting more and more fun as he grows!  He is crawling SO fast!  I play with him in his room with the door closed because every time he see's the hallway, he gets a HUGE smile and giggles and crawls really really fast to get out the door!  He loves exploring!  It is super cute!  He also has been cracking up at Cody!  Since he has been crawling so well, he has been laughing and following Cody around the house!  It is adorable!  Whether Cody likes it or  Cody is SO good with Owen too.  He just watches him.  Owen will come up to him and sit by him and touch his nose and Cody will just lick him.  We have such a great doggie!  The only thing is when Owen trys to touch Cody's tail or body, then Cody is like "what is this?" and sits right up.  Still does not hurt him or anything.

Owen just recently noticed a mole I have on my neck.  He is obsessed with touching it while he breastfeeds!  It's quite funny.  I have messed with him by turning my head so he can not see it and he will literally take his hand and move my face so he can see it and touch it again!  Such a smartie!  Yesterday, Owen discovered that I have ears.  ha ha.  He discovers a lot about Mommy while breastfeeding!  Oh yeah, another thing he has discovered is my nipple!  ha ha.  He pulls it out of his mouth, looks at it and gently touches it with his finger.  He's such a sweetie.  :o)

I've been taking unique pictures of my baby boy.   Check them out!

I have so many other pics...these are just some of my favorites that are going to go into my portfolio!  :o)

I have so many cute little baby picture ideas and not enough time to take them!  I just need to start up my photography business to start it and dedicate some time with some people to take pictures!  Of course I have the cutest baby around to take baby pics of!  :o)  He is so photogenic and always ready to smile!  What a great boy!!  For those of you who know me, you know that is a VERY GOOD thing with me!  ha ha

I do want to take Greg out and take pictures of him.  He would look so good in some pic ideas I have in my head!  With his fierce eyes, they would look GREAT!  My Hubby is SEXY, can't help it!  I bet I can take some awesome pics of him.  He is so Handsome.

I did take some awesome pics of my sister a couple months ago.  They looked so good!  She lost some weight and wanted some good pics of her.  I think she liked them because she uses them all the time!  I will post some shortly that I took of her.  You will see she is beautiful too!

Well, on more of a my family basis, Owen is now 8 months!!  HOLY COW!  I can not believe it!!  He crawls EVERYWHERE and FAST too!  He crawls everywhere in our house!!  He pulls himself up to stand and kneels really well!  He is growing up SO quickly!

Owen positioned himself like this!  ha ha.
Love that smile!  Love that he always crosses his feet too!

Yesterday he also started talking with moving his tongue in his mouth!  Learning so quickly!  My little boy is SMART!  And ADORABLE!  I love my little man!!  

I love being a Mom.  It is such a different feeling and it is just amazing!!  Hard to explain the feeling but it is easy to love it when I have Owen as my son and Greg as Owen's Daddy! 
There is SO much to write about lately!!

Owen's 7th month was a BUSY month for him!

1st of all, Owen has started crawling!!  He has really taken off too!  He is such a mover!  He LOVES crawling everywhere!!  He can crawl for such long distances also!

OWEN SAID MAMA AND DADA this weekend!!!  He actually called me Mama and when Greg was holding him, he said DADA!  Owen is SO SMART!  It melted our hearts to hear him say that!  I know he probably doesn't really know to put two and two together that that is us but I think he's getting it because he knew which one was holding him when he said Mama and Dada!  He is TOO cute with all his talking!!

Last night I actually was playing with him with the Dinosaur ball popup toy we got him for Christmas and I said "ROAR" like it says and he made the "RRRR" sound back!  SO SMART!

Last night Owen also pulled himself up to a standing position!  (still holding onto me though)  Owen was doing his usual climbing all over me laying down by him and he got himself up on his knees (which he has been doing for a while) and then he just pulled himself up into standing position!  He is such a strong boy!!!

I am SO proud of my little man!

My 7 month boy!!
Owen, you amaze Mommy and Daddy every day.  We love you baby boy!!

(Originally written on 1/7/13)

Monday, January 7, 2013


I really feel the word "LOVE" is thrown around way too easily.  I am guilty of it too.  Oh I love these cookies....Oh I love those shoes...etc. We use that term on people too.  Oh I love her, when she is really just a distant friend or co-worker, or someone you really just met and don't really know much about.  How can you tell you LOVE that person already?  Again, I'm a culprit of doing this also.  I think it's a girl thing because we are very emotional beings and it is easy for us to go crazy about things and use such big terms like "love".

This is not good.  It makes the word LOVE loose it's power when you use it on ones you really truly LOVE.  It is sad.

LOVE is such a powerful word.  I do not know what to do to fix this world wide but I do know how to fix this for my life.   I have made a conscious effort to change my "love's" into "like's" when it is appropriate.  I like those shoes.  Also, being more conscious of people I say I love.  That way I can keep my Loves for the ones I truly love. 

Lets make a conscious effort to change our Loves into TRUE LOVE's in our lives.  Remember, it's ok just to "like" something or someone.  That is good too!  ;o)

Friday, January 4, 2013

HAPPY 2013!!!


Man of the year!!  Owen was definitely the man of 2012!  He has made this one of the best years for Greg and I!

 Look at how sweet our little boy is!  We love him to peices!!  SOOO proud of him!  Owen finished out 2012 strong with crawling to my hands!  It was SO cute!  I always know he loves me and just wants me all the time but this really meant a lot to me because it is the first time he went a good distance!!  What a BIG BOY!!

I can not wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!  As Owen grows up, he is getting more and more fun!  I can not wait to have his year birthday also!  :o)  How exciting!

For New Years this year, we had Brendan and Makensie over and Beth and Josh!  We had a blast playing games and hanging out!  Those couples are SO much fun to hang out with!!  Although I will say the New Years shows sucked this year.  They played Madonna's Superbowl show during half of it and had really old singers, like Brandy...etc.  Lame.  But at least we had a blast with our games!  I'm so glad we bought the Bubble Talk game! That was SO much fun!!!

Before everyone came over, Greg and I took Owen outside and lit some fireworks!  We had 2 fountains and we each held a sparkler (my favorite) with Owen!  It was fun!  I think Owen did not understand what the firework was but liked it!

Well that's it!  Here we go 2013!!
Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR love me and my Love!! <3

Christmas 2012

OH MY GOSH!!!  Christmas was SOO MUCH FUN!!!  I never knew it could be this much fun with a baby!  Greg and I had a BLAST!  Owen was SO cute opening his presents!  He would take a tiny piece of paper in his hands and I would have to help him tear it open.  He was so shy with the toys also!  Grandma Strautmann got him the cutest piano with little dancing animals when you press the keys, and a couple more awesome gifts he loves.  Owen LOVES that piano though!  He pounds on the keys like he has to hit him really hard for them to work!  I know it is just excitement…SO cute!  Grandpa Ochs got him all these cute musical toys also.  Drum set, piano and xylophone! He can't stop playing with them!  He loves that he can chew on the hand sticks.  He also got a pretty sweet NHL hockey stick that he held the entire time he ate during Christmas.  I think he likes it!  YAY!  Owen got a TON of great clothes and toys from everyone!  He definitely got spoiled!  Oh, he also got a really nice Things Remembered 1st Christmas silver metal train ordiment!  So pretty!

For our Christmas, Santa brought him a bunch of clothes, which he really needed and Scout his cute dog toy that says his name!  Also got a bouncing ball dragon!  He loves it!  He got so many toys, books and clothes!  What a lucky guy!!  They are all such cute things!  I am so glad he loves all his presents!  I love our Christmas mornings!  It is always so nice to wake up and go down to the tree and see it all lit up and have Christmas jazz in the background while opening presents!  Owen was so cute and so good for being tired half way through it! 

I had a WONDERFUL girlie Christmas with all my presents also!  I got the super cute black dress I've been wanting from Body Central, the super cute dress I wanted from Target a stripped light long sleeve shirt, and the cute boyfriend blazer also!  I'm so excited!  Greg was SOOO sweet and bought me the nude Jessica Simpson heals I have been wanting for some time now!  He also got me an ACT study book because I'm going to go back to school and a Photoshop Elements 8 for Dummies that I have been asking for for a long time!  I'm so excited about them both!!!  I also got from Greg a super cute nighty that I love and is SUPER comfortable!!  Greg did do a hilarious gift.  He was teasing me with this for a while.  He bought me the belly button ring I have been wanting for a while but he cut a hole out of a piece of wood and shoved it in that hole, then wrapped it.  He continuously threw it and stepped on it to trick me.  I had NO IDEA what it was until I opened it!  It was SO funny!!  Lets see, what else did I get….I got a super cute black with a silver trim scarf, pretty earrings and a necklace, Rum Chata, Baileys, Sara Jessica Parker perfume (which is what I have been wanting for a while because I am out and I LOVE that smell!), DVD of Just Go With It, a delicious Yankee Candle in the scent of Apple Crisp (which smells AMAZING) I got the really pretty light up light springs I wanted for my vase at home, blockers for light for photo shooting, and a killer wine cooler!  I had a very wonderful Christmas!
Our Downstairs after opening presents!
Greg had a great Christmas also!  He got the steam cleaner he has been wanting, his Super Nintendo, a gift card to best buy, a laptop, The Watch DVD, 3 shirts, a neat BLACK tie…ha ha, the Aladdin game, Street Fighter 2 game, Axe Shampoo, a great wrench set, some saw blades, and half of the wine cooler is his too, etc.  He had a great Christmas also!  We are very grateful for our families!  <3
This is totally the reaction I go for!!  SO happy!!!
I'm so sad Christmas is over!  :o(  Why can't the season keep on?  I guess because then it would not be as special.  I can not believe Owen's 1st Christmas is already over!  That blows my mind!  It was super fun though!  I can not wait until next year!!
Here are some more random pics from the Christmas's!
The present Matt gave us all
