Monday, January 7, 2013


I really feel the word "LOVE" is thrown around way too easily.  I am guilty of it too.  Oh I love these cookies....Oh I love those shoes...etc. We use that term on people too.  Oh I love her, when she is really just a distant friend or co-worker, or someone you really just met and don't really know much about.  How can you tell you LOVE that person already?  Again, I'm a culprit of doing this also.  I think it's a girl thing because we are very emotional beings and it is easy for us to go crazy about things and use such big terms like "love".

This is not good.  It makes the word LOVE loose it's power when you use it on ones you really truly LOVE.  It is sad.

LOVE is such a powerful word.  I do not know what to do to fix this world wide but I do know how to fix this for my life.   I have made a conscious effort to change my "love's" into "like's" when it is appropriate.  I like those shoes.  Also, being more conscious of people I say I love.  That way I can keep my Loves for the ones I truly love. 

Lets make a conscious effort to change our Loves into TRUE LOVE's in our lives.  Remember, it's ok just to "like" something or someone.  That is good too!  ;o)

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