Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas 2012

OH MY GOSH!!!  Christmas was SOO MUCH FUN!!!  I never knew it could be this much fun with a baby!  Greg and I had a BLAST!  Owen was SO cute opening his presents!  He would take a tiny piece of paper in his hands and I would have to help him tear it open.  He was so shy with the toys also!  Grandma Strautmann got him the cutest piano with little dancing animals when you press the keys, and a couple more awesome gifts he loves.  Owen LOVES that piano though!  He pounds on the keys like he has to hit him really hard for them to work!  I know it is just excitement…SO cute!  Grandpa Ochs got him all these cute musical toys also.  Drum set, piano and xylophone! He can't stop playing with them!  He loves that he can chew on the hand sticks.  He also got a pretty sweet NHL hockey stick that he held the entire time he ate during Christmas.  I think he likes it!  YAY!  Owen got a TON of great clothes and toys from everyone!  He definitely got spoiled!  Oh, he also got a really nice Things Remembered 1st Christmas silver metal train ordiment!  So pretty!

For our Christmas, Santa brought him a bunch of clothes, which he really needed and Scout his cute dog toy that says his name!  Also got a bouncing ball dragon!  He loves it!  He got so many toys, books and clothes!  What a lucky guy!!  They are all such cute things!  I am so glad he loves all his presents!  I love our Christmas mornings!  It is always so nice to wake up and go down to the tree and see it all lit up and have Christmas jazz in the background while opening presents!  Owen was so cute and so good for being tired half way through it! 

I had a WONDERFUL girlie Christmas with all my presents also!  I got the super cute black dress I've been wanting from Body Central, the super cute dress I wanted from Target a stripped light long sleeve shirt, and the cute boyfriend blazer also!  I'm so excited!  Greg was SOOO sweet and bought me the nude Jessica Simpson heals I have been wanting for some time now!  He also got me an ACT study book because I'm going to go back to school and a Photoshop Elements 8 for Dummies that I have been asking for for a long time!  I'm so excited about them both!!!  I also got from Greg a super cute nighty that I love and is SUPER comfortable!!  Greg did do a hilarious gift.  He was teasing me with this for a while.  He bought me the belly button ring I have been wanting for a while but he cut a hole out of a piece of wood and shoved it in that hole, then wrapped it.  He continuously threw it and stepped on it to trick me.  I had NO IDEA what it was until I opened it!  It was SO funny!!  Lets see, what else did I get….I got a super cute black with a silver trim scarf, pretty earrings and a necklace, Rum Chata, Baileys, Sara Jessica Parker perfume (which is what I have been wanting for a while because I am out and I LOVE that smell!), DVD of Just Go With It, a delicious Yankee Candle in the scent of Apple Crisp (which smells AMAZING) I got the really pretty light up light springs I wanted for my vase at home, blockers for light for photo shooting, and a killer wine cooler!  I had a very wonderful Christmas!
Our Downstairs after opening presents!
Greg had a great Christmas also!  He got the steam cleaner he has been wanting, his Super Nintendo, a gift card to best buy, a laptop, The Watch DVD, 3 shirts, a neat BLACK tie…ha ha, the Aladdin game, Street Fighter 2 game, Axe Shampoo, a great wrench set, some saw blades, and half of the wine cooler is his too, etc.  He had a great Christmas also!  We are very grateful for our families!  <3
This is totally the reaction I go for!!  SO happy!!!
I'm so sad Christmas is over!  :o(  Why can't the season keep on?  I guess because then it would not be as special.  I can not believe Owen's 1st Christmas is already over!  That blows my mind!  It was super fun though!  I can not wait until next year!!
Here are some more random pics from the Christmas's!
The present Matt gave us all


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