Thursday, January 24, 2013

There is SO much to write about lately!!

Owen's 7th month was a BUSY month for him!

1st of all, Owen has started crawling!!  He has really taken off too!  He is such a mover!  He LOVES crawling everywhere!!  He can crawl for such long distances also!

OWEN SAID MAMA AND DADA this weekend!!!  He actually called me Mama and when Greg was holding him, he said DADA!  Owen is SO SMART!  It melted our hearts to hear him say that!  I know he probably doesn't really know to put two and two together that that is us but I think he's getting it because he knew which one was holding him when he said Mama and Dada!  He is TOO cute with all his talking!!

Last night I actually was playing with him with the Dinosaur ball popup toy we got him for Christmas and I said "ROAR" like it says and he made the "RRRR" sound back!  SO SMART!

Last night Owen also pulled himself up to a standing position!  (still holding onto me though)  Owen was doing his usual climbing all over me laying down by him and he got himself up on his knees (which he has been doing for a while) and then he just pulled himself up into standing position!  He is such a strong boy!!!

I am SO proud of my little man!

My 7 month boy!!
Owen, you amaze Mommy and Daddy every day.  We love you baby boy!!

(Originally written on 1/7/13)

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