Friday, October 26, 2012

5 Months!!

My Sweet little baby boy is 5 months old now!!  WOW has time flew by!!  I look at pictures of him when we brought him home and his 1 month pics and he is really grown!  He is such a darn cute little boy!  I can not get enough of his face!!

Check him out!!

 Isn't he so cute??

Here's one where Owen is saying "How old does this thing say I am?!?!"....ha ha

 He is so small!!

Love my baby!!

He is SOO close to crawling!!  He gets on his hands and he is getting on his knees but keeps his head down and he just scoots everywhere.  It's pretty cute!  He is traveling all over the place!  He rolls everywhere!  It's so cute!  What a mover!

I love you Owen!


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