Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Man, I really need to work out again. Since my 5k I have not ran once.  :o(  Not cool.  I've been so busy with Owen, Greg and our home that I have not had time.  I know everyone says to make sure to make time for yourself but I'd rather be there for my son and Husband than taking time for myself.  I feel I am a better Mom because I'm around Owen and playing with him and his toys rather than being away working out for an hour.  Plus after work we have had so much to do lately that it has been hard to squeeze time in to work out.  I don't like that but nothing will change unless I get more time during the day/night.  Oh well.  Greg and I will have to re-evaluate how we do things at night I guess.  I don't know....I guess can workout during his nap.....if that works out.

I just sucks because my whole pregnancy I hardly put on any weight but afterward, you notice what you need to lose and I can not if I don't work out.  Also, I can not diet yet because I am breastfeeding...so can't do that....  BLAH! Stuck in the middle of not having time to work out and needing to work out....not a good place to be.  At least I don't have a lot to loose.  I have lot a lot already.

It is stressful, hard and tiring being a Mom but SO worth it!!  It definitely is a life changer for sure but I would not change it.  I love Owen SOOOO much!  He brings a smile to my face all the time!  He is so sweet and his smile just melts my heart!  I have so much fun with him!  Whether it's me breastfeeding him, him smiling at me, us playing, me watching him learn, watching him be amazed at things, teaching him, him talking, laughing...etc.  I love it all!  It's funny how your priorities change when you become a Mom.  Now I do not even matter to myself.  It is all about Owen and Greg.....and Cody....lol.  But seriously.  My Husband and my baby boy are the two most important people in my life!!  They mean the world to me!  Greg is my best friend, hands down.  He is the best best friend I could ever ask for!  He's the best friend I've never had.  Listens to me, ALWAYS there for me, looking out for what is best for me, there when I am upset, will stick up for me against anyone, smart, challenges me, sincere, always asks me how I am doing...etc.  We get each other like no one else.  We are the funniest people out there to each other and we have the best times together!  I love spending all my time with Greg.  He is so much fun!!  He is such an amazing person.  I am very fortunate and blessed to have him in my life.
Then there's Owen who I instantly fell in love with as soon as I knew I was pregnant!  He continues to deepen that love by being such a cute, funny, smart, loving, sweet little boy!

Check my boys out!  I am SOOO LUCKY!!!  I can't stop saying how lucky and blessed I am!   They both are SO much fun!

I LOVE MY BOYS!!!  I am such a proud Wife/Mother!

Love, Jess

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