Monday, October 8, 2012

My 1st 5k

So we did it!!  We ran the Glow Run 5k!!  It was SO much fun!!  You know, I was really scared I would have to stop running and walk a lot and would not make great timing but I did not stop running once!!  I ran with my sister in law, who did a great job too, expecially since she was not feeling the greatest, having sinuses act up....

It really was a blast!  Fun run for sure!!  Glad we did it!  I'm addicted now though....I want to do another one!!  Although, I don't think I would ever become a marathon runner....I think I would be too bored to train.  However, after I was done running the 5k, I felt like I could run a ton more!!  It was so great running past that finish line knowing I did not stop once!!  I am SO proud of myself!  I set a goal for myself and followed through!  Plus I'm getting fit after having a baby and getting into shape again! 

I am SO proud of Greg also!  He has been training well and he is such a haus!  He ran the whole time and got a great time!  His endurance is just so awesome.  I wish I had his endurance....I have some but he has a ton more!  I bet he could run a marathon!

I can not wait to see the finishing photo's!  Beth and I held hands over the finish line!  ha ha!  It's going to look SO cute!!

They gave us really cool shirts too!  They are the light runner's shirts!  Plus everyone got a participant metal but it was a really nice metal!  Heavy...nice and glows in the dark!!  Soo cool! We are definitley wanting to do this run again next year!!


Time: 34:20:7

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