Friday, November 16, 2012

Recent Update

I've been a bad bad blogger!  I have not blogged in forever!!!  Sorry!!

Ok....I will jump right into it!  Owen is eatting oatmeal now!  YAY!  He LOVES it!!!  He chomps it down right away and already has the reflex to let the food go down his throat and not let his tongue spit it out!  I'm so proud of him!  Check him out!

Such a happy boy!!

Other than that, Greg and I are trying to find more time for each other.  We really miss our date nights and time alone.  It seems like every time we have a babysitter, it is to do something with someone else.  We REALLY want and need a date night!  I miss my Hubby!  We LOVE hanging out with Owen, but it is nice to have a time or two with just Greg.  Hopefully we will get one soon.

Other than that, I have been slacking on running, of course.  Due to no time.  I spend it all with Greg and Owen!  Which I love, don't get me wrong, just wish I worked out more..... At least I've been eatting better than normal.

I dropped off a cute thing I made with Owen's feet for my Mother the other day....that was a bust.  She never said anything about it until I asked her if she got it.  Then she claimed she texted me about it before.  Not sure if I should believe her or not.  She said she wanted to be part of our lives yet she is not trying...I have not heard from her for a couple oh well I guess. 

Halloween just happened.  We went as Aladdin, Jasmine and Raja (Jasmine's tiger)!!  I LOVED our outfits!  I made Greg and my costumes and I think they came out pretty nicely, if I don't say so myself!  Owen was just a doll in his tiger costume!  I loved holding him in it.  It bums me out that this is the last and only time he will be able to wear it!  :o(  I am thrilled Greg wore the Aladdin costume!  He is so sweet to do that for me!  I love my Husband!  He looked damn sexy too!!

Owen's 1st taste of a sucker!  Yummy!  He loved it!  Wouldn't losen his grip when I tried to take it back!

We had a great Halloween!  It was everything I could have ever wanted!  We went trick or treating at our neighbor's house, then went to Mom Strautmann's house then to see Dad as Ghostrider!  Check out the pics!

Present from Grandma Strautmann!
Grandma Strautmann
Grandpa Ochs (aka Ghostrider)

Anyway....that is that!  I will write more later.  Just wanted to update!


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