Friday, September 21, 2012

September 22, 2012

So, I have not ran since Monday and I ran last night!  I did awesome!!  I ran a lot more than I walked which is great!  I think I probably ran 80% and walked 10%!!  I'm SOOO happy with that!  I did it all in 30 minutes too!  I ran up all the hills most of the way!  I also ran much longer stretches, which is what I have been working on doing!  I'm building my endurance which is GREAT!  I think I'm on my way to a great run for the Glow Run!  I'm so happy because I'm going to accomplish one of my goals by the end of the year!!  YAY!!

So we turned on our furnace this week.  It has been so cold outside that it is making the house cold!  I love the smell of heat in a house!  Our house gets all warm and toasty and the smell of the furnace makes me think of Christmas!  I love the Fall/Christmas time of the year!!  :o)  I can not wait because this year is Owen's 1st Christmas!!  I can not wait to put him in the soft polar bear/penguin pj's I bought last year on Christmas night!  Then we can wake up, turn on the fire place and do presents!  Greg and I will have so much fun shopping for his presents!!  It is so crazy that we will have little kid presents under our tree!  I feel so old!  It will be super crazy when my Dad brings over presents for Owen from Grandpa!  WOAH!  FREAKY!!
First things first.  Fall time!!  Halloween!!  Leaves!!  I LOVE fall!  Nice weather, cute sweaters, jeans, crunching leaves, apple cider, pumpkin picking, apple pies, pumpkin latte's, outside fires in our firepit, Oktoberfest beer, pumpkin beer….!  LOVE IT ALL!  I seriously am having trouble thinking of what we all will be for Halloween!  I have a few different ideas already….some are cute, some are funny.  I wonder which Greg will be down for!  :o)  I guess you all will see after Halloween!  :o)
I'm excited that I've been able to wear my new fall clothes!  Greg is so sweet and let me buy two long sleeve sweaters/shirts from Express!  I used my giftcard from my birthday and a coupon but he paid for the rest!  They are SO cute!  I wore them both this weekend!  Here's a picture of my at Hop in the City with one of them on! I LOVE it!!  It is so nice to be able to get some new fall things to wear! 
Drinking my pumpkin beer outside at Schlafly's Hop in the City Beer Festival!
Me and My Handsome Hubby!  I love him SO much!


YUM!  Schlafly beer!
I'm saving up for some super cute boots I found at Kohl's!  Here's a picture of them!  Hopefully I will be able to get them soon! 
Greg also tried on a really snazzy suit there and it looked killer on him!  Hope he can buy that soon too!  It's a grey color and it looks amazing on him!  He really looks good in grey.  Actually all colors.  :o)
I finished our pot yesterday!  Check it out! 
I really like how it came out!  I am loving these pots!  I think they are cool and a great gift!  I think this will look so cute on our porch!  I modge podge them so that the paint does not get ruined in weather.  Plus it gives a nice clean polished look to it!  Feels less like a project I did and more like something you would buy at a store!  I have put these on Pinterest also!  I have not seen anything like these on there so hopefully they will be a hit and others will like them!  :o)
Well that's about it for now! Thank GOD it's the weekend!  I get to hang out with my boys!!  <3


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