Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1 (08/03/12)
So day 1: training for the 5k, is done and under my belt.  I didn't do too bad.  Ran, I don't think quite a 5k, but at least I got out there and ran!!  It may be close to a 5k that I ran….I'll have to track it when I get a free second in my car.
I ran about 60% of the time and walked only about 40%, which I am impressed at myself about!!  I have never really been a runner, except in Soccer because I had something to run after and competition!!  :o)  I always just get board with running.  I never understood what runners could think of the whole time, although I tried something new this time.  I ran without my IPOD!!!  YIKES!!  It was actually nice!  I didn't think of much besides running and focusing on running a lot as opposed to giving up and walking.  Ha ha.
We will see how my back and knees hold up by continuing the training!  I am excited to see what I look like in a month of training!  Hopefully FABULOUS!!  :oP
Wish me luck!!

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