Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So I have begun to work out now.  I did here and there before but I'm going to really try to work out hard now!  I want my body back!!  I have lost a bunch of the baby weight but I'm at the point where I will either start gaining again or stay stagnant at the weight I am if I don't do something more. 

Working out sounds great to me but here is what people don't tell you.  Finding time to do something for yourself is HARD when you have a newborn!  That is why I have not worked out so far!  I am a very workout-ey person.  I HAVE to work out.  It makes me feel good!  Even if it's just a walk.  Plus with my body type, just the slightest look at anything fatty or sweet, I see it on my body!  BLAH!  It is also hard because I can not really diet while breastfeeding either.  My body is pretty much Owen's until we are done with breastfeeding.  Both the no time for working out and the can't really hard diet, makes it difficult to loose weight!

But that is no excuse!!  Greg and I have discussed this and we are starting to eat better, not just easy stuff anymore.  That will really help both of us!  Plus he has been making sure I get out and am able to work out at least outside for now.  That's all I really need.  I find it hard to walk or run on the treadmill because I get SO BORED!  At least outside I have my route and it keeps my eyes and mind busy.  

I started walking during my lunch time, which is only a half an hour but oh well, it's at least something!  I can get a good 15 minute walk in!  I'm happy with that for just the lunch time.  Then I will do a longer one after work.  Hopefully that will get my butt back into shape!!  :o)


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