Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My little baby has a cold still!  Poor little man.  He has had 2 colds and one stomach virus since he has been born!  I feel so bad for him!  Greg and I planned for a summer baby so that our baby would not get sick and now I'm thinking this is just as bad as if he was born during flu season!  Poor little man!  2 months old and he has already had his 1st emergency room visit (back on July 23rd)!  :o(  He just kept throwing up and the doctor's sent us to St. Anthony's Infant Emergency room.  Although the whole time Owen was in such a great mood!  Smiling, not crying...SO cute!
SO cute!!  It was so sad but he was such a great little boy and such a trooper!  He ended up getting an x-ray to see if anything was blocking his throat and making him throw up.  Nothing was, all good there.  Just a virus.

Here is Owen with the cutest little blood pressure cuff!!  :o)
 I'm so glad he was ok!  

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