Thursday, August 23, 2012

Owen Update...3 Months old today!!


I wanted to write a little about my little 3 month old prince.
Owen has been doing so good!  He has became such a happy baby boy!  Smiling all the time!!  

I am so happy!  He's making things easier on Greg and I too!  Owen has been sleeping almost the whole night!  Sometimes with one feeding in the middle.  Although some nights it's really bad timing.  Most nights Owen falls asleep anywhere from 8:30 - 9:30.  We start his bath around 8:00 or 8:30 and then he eats, then bed time.  He will sleep most nights until around 2am, eat, then go back to bed until around 6am.  For the last couple days, I've been trying to ween him off the middle of the night time feeding and he will end up wide awake around 4am - 5am.  I do not mind the 4am feeding but the 5 am is such bad timing.  Then I have to bring a hungry baby to the babysitters, which is not nice and I hate doing it.  I, however, don't want to be that person who is doing the middle of the night feedings when he is 6 months.  I think I will keep trying to ween him off of it.  The other thing is pumping goes into play.  So when Owen eats around 8:30 - 9:00, I pump because we feed him formula before bed, as it gives me a chance to build up my milk supply for the next day.  Then if Owen does not wake up to eat until 4am, that's a LONG time for me to go without emptying.  So, when do I pump?  Because if Owen wakes up around 2am for a feeding, like he did last night, then I would have to feed him the breastmilk out of a bottle, and I would prefer to feed him "straight from the tap" if you know what I mean...ha ha.  So many difficult decisions!  I think I'm going to start pumping around midnight and that way when he wakes up, hopefully in enough time for me to produce enough milk for him, he will have food "from the tap".

Owen is growing up so fast!  Owen since birth has been holding his head up straight and strong...but he has recently been lifting himself up really tall during tummy time!  According to the "What to Expect: 1st Year" book, he is advanced!  He's such a strong little boy!  He is trying to sit up by himself and is doing really well!  I can not wait until he is able to sit on his own!  That will be so cool to see!  Although, I will miss him being dependent on my legs when he sits looking at me on my lap!

So exciting that he is 3 months old now!  My little man is growing up so much!  I LOVE YOU OWEN!!!


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