We did it! We reached Owen's due date today! 05/15/12! No sign of a baby yet though. Yesterday I tried walking a little around the neighborhood, bouncing on my exercise ball, getting on all fours and swaying my hips, circling my hips around on the exercise ball, eating a salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette and Greg gave me an ankle and foot massage.....NO BABY! No Water Breaking!! WOH! That would just prove that all the home remedies for naturally inducing labor most likely are just coincidences. All it really did was make my back and stomach hurt at night time and I really did not sleep much. But I had to try! I want Owen to either come today, because it is my Mother in Law's wedding anniversary with her Husband (who passed away almost 3 years ago...good man. Miss him.) or tomorrow because it's the 16th and my Brother's birthday is 7/16 and my Dad's birthday is 9/16. They all would be two months apart! Oh well. I can not really predict or control when he comes. When he comes is when he comes!!
I will say, I still feel a LOT of movement down there. I think he dropped the rest of the way yesterday. I feel a lot of movement down there and I am still getting a little dribble coming out after I pee. (The same thing I went to the hospital for on Saturday....I thought my water was leaking....come to find out, it was not but I was dilated a "loose 2"!!)
I am still thinking he will come this week, just not sure when. I know Greg really needs the time off and I am really excited to see my stomach shrink a little! :o) (And relax, and eat what I want, and work out....etc. However, I would never change going through this pregnancy! I loved every minute of it! Just hard these last couple days) I want to see my little baby boy! I wonder who he looks like more and who's traits he will have more of....I really hope he looks like Greg!! I guess we will see soon enough!
I just really want Owen to come on his own time, naturally. Not have to be induced. We have an induce date of 5/24, if he does not come soon. That's at 41 weeks!! WOW! We have another appointment this Thursday (2 days from now)...wonder what is going to say as to how far along we are?.....hmmm.....
Here's a picture of me at Mercy Hospital on Saturday.
Here's a picture of Greg reading Owen's heart monitor and my contraction monitor!
Well, that is my update for today! Today I'm just trying to relax and not think about Owen's due date being today. I drank some Wild Berry Green Tea outside this morning to help me relax. Hopefully relaxing will do the trick!!
Until next time! (Maybe then I will have a little baby boy to talk about!!)
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