Thursday, July 19, 2012


I FINALLY found my email address for my blog!!!  And finally have time to write again!  ha ha.  Now I can finally update that OWEN WAS BORN!!!  :o)

On, 05/23/12, at 3:34am, my little 7lb 14oz son was born into this world!  He is such a sweetie!!  I want to go over the details of my experience in the Labor and Delivery!

Ok, as you know from my last post, we went into the hospital early to find out we were not going into labor yet...well....We were scheduled for a routine checkup on the liquids and stress of Owen on 05/22/12.  This was because it was my 1 week over my due date week (41 weeks) and we had a scheduled induction for 05/24/12.'s what happened!!

I had been placed on "no work" from my doctor because I was having such horrible pain in my lower stomach that when it hurt, I could not sit, stand, walk....all that made it feel better was to lay down.  This was since 05/07/12.  So, she wrote me off work so I can relax and rest for the rest of my pregnancy.  This really helped because I was able to relax and lay around a lot because of the pain, which helped it go away.  Plus my ankles, legs and feet were VERY swollen!!

Ok,....morning on 05/22/12.  Again, we had a 9:30am appointment at St. Johns for the tests.  Greg went to work, I was at home.  Greg drove himself to work but since his work was on the way to St. Johns, I said I would pick him up and we could drive to the hospital together.

That morning, as I was getting ready for the doctors, I was making the bed and went to bend over to get the decorative pillows off the floor to put on the bed and I felt a huge movement downward in my stomach.  I knew that that was Owen dropping!!  Then I started feeling pains.  I used the app on my phone to keep tract of them.  They were happening quite often but not severe yet and not routine.  They were all over the place right now as far as time wise.  I was thinking they may be contractions..but not sure.  I called Greg and said "Babe, we may be going into labor today!!"  He said "Awesome!  Good thing were going to the hospital this morning!"

I went and picked him up and we arrived at St. Johns.  Just in case, I brought the "Hospital bags"...  :o)  Wishing and hoping I was going into labor because I wanted Owen to come at his time, not induced!
My Handsome Greg with our hospital bags.  He looked so cute carrying them all, I had to take a picture!!

We went to the floor that had the testing area.  We signed in at the front desk and waited to be called.  We gave our insurance info and were told where the testing area was.  On our way, I had to go to the bathroom.  I went and had the "Bloody show/plug come out"!!  I was SO excited!!!  WERE HAVING THIS BABY NOW!!!!!  :o)

I came out of the bathroom and told Greg, WERE GOING INTO LABOR!!!  :o)  We were SOO excited!  We decided to go to the testing area anyway and see if they still needed to do the testing or if we can just get checked out up on the Labor and Delivery Floor.  She said if we think were starting labor, to go ahead and go to the Labor and Delivery.  If we are not, come back down for testing. 
Last prego pic!!  My stomach is HUGE!
We went up to the Labor and Delivery floor and they checked me out.  I was dilated 4cm!!  YAY!!  My contractions were still sparatic though.  They needed them more consistant.  They gave me an IV to monitor me.  The nurse destroyed my vein in my arm by sticking the needle clear through it so I was sporting a huge bruise for a couple weeks.  She then had to put it through my hand vein, which did not feel good but oh well.  Worth it!  (Side note: I told the nurse I can not watch it and when she put it in there, she said, "Oh yeah, don't look, it's a blood bath over here!"  I was thinking..NOT COOL!  Why would you say that to me!?!)
 They came back and said, Well you definitely are in the early stages of labor!  You can do one of two can stay here and not eat and wait for labor OR you can go home, have a good last meal and come back when the contractions get worse.  We chose the eating route!!  :o)  Greg and I left the hospital knowing we would be back that evening.  We had McDonald's on the way home (because I was STARVING!!)  We watched some TV and when the contractions got worse, we headed in!

It was around 5:30pm when we arrived at St. Johns, on 05/22/12.  I did not want to miss my epidural period so we made sure to get in when my contractions were getting worse.  We got checked into a labor room while my contractions were getting worse.

I really wanted to make it to 5cm before I got my epidural so I tried walking the halls, bouncing on the ball, meditating...thinking about bringing on labor, etc.  (One note I want to point out, the nurse said I can walk around with my saline bag in my hand instead of on the rolly stand but that is not the don't do it!  I walked around with it and a nurse we knew (Greg's cousin) saw us and was talking and asked me why I had the bag in my hand.  I told her a nurse said we can.  She said no, that has to be held high in the air so that it does not stop.  And sure enough, it had stopped. They had to do a "flush" which hurt like hell!  That is where they take a needle into the cord from the bag to my hand and rush a huge gush of water really quick though your veins.  IT HURTS!!!!!!! contractions were getting so close together and so PAINFUL!  The nurses kept coming into my room saying "Have you really not called for your epidural yet?  Most ladies have had it hours ago!" but I kept pushing on. Finally it got unbearable.  Greg was so sad and worried watching me in pain....  (Below is my contraction pic...)
In pain....contraction....
I could not take it anymore, and I still had not dilated past 4cm but the contractions were HORRIBLE so I decided to get the epidural.  Man was that nice!!!  The guy who did it was amazing!  I did not feel a thing!  Thumbs up!!  Greg's Mom said she could tell when I got the epidural because I began texting people again!  ha ha.
Thumbs up for the epidural!!
My sleepy Husband
 So from here, we kept letting the contractions do their thing.  I was not in pain anymore and the contractions were getting REALLY BIG per the monitor!  :o)  The epidural helped my body relax.  My water still had not broke yet though.  They actually had to go in and break my water.  I got potosin to help the labor get on it's way.  After the potosin, within an hour, I was dilated to 7cm!!  They came in and broke my water which got me the rest of the way to 10cm!  It did not hurt!  The doctor was awesome!  (it did feel weird though having that water come out like that!)  We did get one piece of information about Owen after he broke the water...the doctor said HE HAS HAIR!!!  Dark Hair and lots of it!  :o)  It was so cool and made this whole thing more real to hear that about our sweet little boy!!  We were on our way to having our baby!! 

Just like I did when I was born, Owen's heartbeat kept dropping with each contraction I had.  They kept monitoring that so that he was ok with a screwed monitor in his head.  (Weird, I did not know they could do that!) 

Last picture of us before we become parents!!  :o) 

Quickly I began feeling so much pressure down there.  I felt like he was going to pop right out!  I kept telling the nurse he is coming out!  Check me!  She kept saying, no he is still far up there in you, wait a couple more minutes and I will check you.  Couple minutes went by and I looked over at Greg and said "Baby, I really feel so much pressure down there!  It feels like I'm opening up so big!  I think he is almost crowning!"  So we called the nurse in and she said "No, he would still be far up there, I'll check in another half an hour".  Meanwhile, I guess she was just guessing he was still far up in me because she was not checking.  Again I looked over to Greg and said "We need to get her in here now!  I seriously feel like his head is coming out!"  We got the nurse in and begged her to check.  She checked and said "OH!  He is coming out!  Want to try a practice push to see how you do?"  I said "YES!"  We pulled my legs up to my shoulders and she said push!  I pushed and she said "WOH! WOH! WOH!!  You can really push!  Lets stop right now, I have to get my other things to proceed."  She got the rest of the room ready and the medical stuff they will need.  She gave me oxygen and had me lay on my side to hold Owen off from coming out so quickly!
It was 3:00am at this point when she came back and said "Ready?!"  I said "YES!!  :o)"  I pushed from 3:00am - 3:15am.  The nurse had me stop because she said he is almost coming out and I need my Dr. here to finish.  It took Dr. Kodner 15 minutes to arrive.  She arrived at 3:30am.  I assumed the position again (with my legs up to my ears...ha ha) and began to push.  Dr. Kodner said "Greg, do you want to see his head?"  Greg looked and smiled so big!  I pushed from 3:30 - 3:34 and out came Owen!!  :o) I guess I was not looking at my area down there when he was coming out because Dr. Kodner said "Jessica...Jessica...JESSICA!! LOOK!!" and as I looked down there, I felt Owen squish out and she handed him right to me!  What an amazing feeling!!!  Greg cut the embillico cord!  Owen was crying so loud, which is the BEST SOUND EVER!!  Then I knew everything was ok with him!!  The nurse used the asporator to clean out his lungs, put drops in his eyes and when she was done, he was still crying loud!  With large tears in my eyes I looked at Owen and said "Owen, it's your Mommy!"  Owen immediatly stopped crying and looked at me.  :o)  THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST FEELINGS I HAVE EVER HAD!!!  He knew my voice!!  (as I'm typing, I'm reliving and was amazing!)  He is so beautiful!  
They continued to clean him off as he was laying on my chest.  I recommend to everyone to do the "skin to skin"!!  That is when they take your baby right out of you and place him on your chest right away!  It is simply the best thing ever!  They tagged him, stamped his feet and had to take him away from me to weigh him.  7lbs 14oz!!  What a perfect size!  (and it's another 7 in our lives!)

This is the point where Greg got to hold him!  :o)  I don't think I have ever seen Greg this truly happy and excited (except for on our wedding day)!!

Everyone then left the room to give Greg and I some time alone with our new little bundle of joy!  :o)  It was an amazing experience!!
Mommy and Daddy happy with our new little man!
1st time holding Mommy's finger!
Looking at Mommy!
Proud Daddy!!
Owen's footprint on Daddy!
Daddy with his son's footprint!
 This was one of the GREATEST events of my life!!  Owen is our little miracle!  

By the way, I'm going against what the nurses and my doctor told me because they said not to tell anyone this is how my labor went because mine was rare!  I had such a great one and it went so quickly, they don't want anyone expecting the same!  ha ha.

I thank God every day for our little Owen and my amazing little family!  We are so blessed and happy!  :o)

The Strautmann Family

Owen Gregory Strautmann
Daddy with his son!
Mommy and her son!
Our cute little man!
Mommy loves you Owen!
I am SO truely happy!
Love, Jess


  1. I love your story! Made me tear up remembering Hayden's delivery! FYI, I'm following your blog! :)
