Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Owen is 11 months old!

Oh man.  OWEN IS 11 MONTHS NOW!!!!  HOLY CRAP!  Time flys!  I can not believe my little son will be a year old in just a month!  It really is amazing.  I can not believe all the changes he has been through this year!  Like Greg said, he went from doing nothing, not even being able to roll over (although from birth, he almost could) to walking, talking, eatting real food, feeding himself, having his own cute personality, laughing soooo much, having his own likes and dislikes, etc.  He is SO smart and ahead of the curve!  He started walking at 10 months really well!  He is pretty much a pro now!  Owen is so tough!  He falls and bumps himself and gets right back up and continues on!  He is a tough little guy!  I am SO proud of him!
I will say, and this is probably TMI, but I LOVE that he gets SO excited to nurse off me!  When he see's me getting the boppy out, he crawls or walks SO fast to me making him UH UH sound out of his mouth with a HUGE smile!  He LOVES it!  When I pick him up to put him on the boppy to nurse him, he says UH UH UH and flips his legs in excitement, starring at my breast until I take it out.  Then he signs with releif as it is in his mouth.  :o)  I LOVE IT!  Love that I can provide for my son in a way that no one else can and that he loves it so much!!  He is such a cutie pie!  I am also proud of my body for producing enough for him up through 11 months and still going!  It was a long (rough sometimes) road but I am grateful God gave me the ability to produce and Owen to latch on so well and quickly, that I was able to nurse for as long as I did and will until he is one!  :o)  Praise God!!  He knew how much I wanted and needed that.

With that being said, I know once it is over I will be upset and probably feel like I'm not providing to Owen like I should be because that part is over but new parts will start.  Self feeding, eatting grown up foods, etc!  That will be exciting!  Also will be nice to not be on the clock for feeding or pumping.  It will be REALLY nice to not have to pump anymore!!!  I hate that stupid pump!  ha ha.  It was nice to have it because I was able to provide breastmilk for Owen for daycare but I can not wait until I can get rid of that thing!!!!  ;o)

I am getting so excited about Owen's 1st birthday party!!!  It's my 1st kid party I get to through!  And you know me, creative, so I have ALL KINDS of ideas flowing in my mind!  I think I will not go with one specific theme but do all blues and greens for color.  I have a picture in my mind.  Just need to get it out in decorations!!

Greg has done such a GREAT job on our lawn!  That huge terrible pit we had in our backyard will hopefully soon be grass!!  All thanks to my Hubby and all his HARD work!  We are really hoping we have grass by Owen's 1st birthday party.  We both have a view of what we want the party to be like and BBQ, possible fireworks and a possible fire pit fire, are involved in these plans, so it would be nice to have the yard done.  If it does not by then, that is ok but it would be nice!  

There are so many things I want to buy before his party that I think would really make the party look cool!  Like outdoor stuff too!  Lights for under our umbrella, outdoor lights for the shed and our bannister, etc.  They are all on sale too now, that that is good.  Will have to pick them up now!  

Well, that's it for now!


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