Monday, December 17, 2012

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  Has it really been a month since I've written on here!?!  Bad blogger!

Well, Owen is officially a "Sitter"!  No longer a "Supported Sitter"!  YAY!  Big boy!  Check him out!
My happy little boy!!
St. Nick's day picture
My little Owen is such a doll!  Such a BIG BOY!  He is growing up way too fast!  He has the most amazing cute personality!

Since I've wrote last, Owen is eating solid foods now!  He loves sweet potatos, carrots and squash! We do know Owen's 1st dislike now....peas!  He gags every time!  ha ha....

Eatting Sweet Potatos for the 1st time at Thanksgiving!  Appropriate holiday for the occasion!
Eating and sitting in his new high chair!  Such a big boy!
Our little guy is growing up TOO FAST!  :o)

I LOVE this picture!  My #1 Goalie and my #1 littlest man!
My SEXY Husband!
Me and my baby watching my baby play!
Owen got to see Daddy play hockey again!  Greg is such an amazing goalie!  He is good enough to be amazing in the NHL!  (If they ever come back....sad face)

Look at how cute my boys are!?!
I love my family and spending all my time with them also!  Just laying around with Greg and Owen....playing around....etc, is the most fun I have ever had.  These two boys are my life and I love them SOO much!  More than anyone will ever know!

Here is a picture of Owen and I at Thanksgiving!  :o)

Well that is all for now!  I will write a 2nd one shortly about Owen seeing Santa!! 


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