Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Date Night!

Greg and I had DATE NIGHT again!  SOOOO MUCH FUN!  I miss date nights with my Husband!  He is so much fun!

We went to Steinberg, an outdoor ice skating rink, and hung out, skated and drank hot chocolate!  It was so much fun!  Greg is so sexy on ice skates!  He is so agile on them.  I wish I could skate as good as him.  I'm pretty darn good but I still can not do that dang hockey stop!  The sexiest thing Greg was doing was skating backwards and talking to me.  It was SOOOOO HOTT!!!!!


I always do this picture.  Don't know why.  I just like how it looks!
Greg helping me tie by skates!  He is so sweet!
LOVE my Hubby!!
 We had so much fun!  We then went to Beerhouse in River City Casino!  Had a beer and dinner.  They always have the best food and I was with the best company I could ever ask for!  We had so much fun!  I miss our date nights...

My sexy man with a dark beer!  HOTT!!!
I love my Hubby.


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