Wednesday, April 25, 2012

37 weeks and 3 days along!

So I started a blog!  Trying this out....we will see how much I actually do it.  Hopefully I will really like it!  My friend Brooke does it and I love reading thing she has tried and what she is up to! it goes!

We are getting SO excited for the arrival of our little Owen!  Yesterday we went to our Doctor's appointment and little man measured 7lbs 1oz!!  WOW!  He is so big already!  I think we are going to have a 9 pounder!!  I am nervous about having a baby come out of me down there but know that it is SO worth it!  I can not wait to see our little baby!  I really hope he looks like Greg!  

Greg sent me the sweetest text today.  He put "I can't wait to hold Owen and have you leaning on me at the same time!!!"  Now that made me cry.  He is such an amazing man.  How was I ever lucky and blessed enough to have him become my Husband?  I am the worlds happiest woman/wife!  Greg is going to be such a great Dad!  I can not wait to see him!  I know he will be amazing in the delivery room also.  :o)

I'm getting so anxious to have Owen!  I LOVE being pregnant, don't get me wrong, but I do want my body back!  I will miss him moving around in me and the little kicks and nudges I've been getting.  Also will miss the occasional..."what is that body part sticking out?" moments.  However, I want my skinny stomach back!  I want to work out again!  I want to eat sushi, Mom's deli, salami...etc!  Also, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DRINK MY BEER AGAIN!  :o)  Don't realize how much you miss it until you can not have it for 9 months!  ha ha.  Again, SOOO worth it!

That's it for now!  More later!


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